Macadamia Magic

As global macadamia specialists, we at Green & Gold want to share the excitement and opportunity that exist for macadamias.
Macadamias have universal appeal and excellent health credentials and are growing in popularity as a versatile and premium nut. With a unique rich, buttery taste and crunchy texture, macadamias are most often enjoyed as a snack but have also become a sought-after ingredient in various applications such as bakery, confectionery and savoury dishes.

Priced for accessibility

Macadamias have become more accessible to a wider audience, many of whom are macadamia “first-timers”. This opens up opportunities for a variety of R&D and NPD initiatives across many food and health categories.

Increasing supply projected

Supply is growing. Total global supply is projected to increase by approximately 10% year-on-year to 2030.

Excellent health credentials and nutritional benefits

The perfect nutrient-dense snack, macadamias are packed with good fats combined with vitamins, minerals, antioxidents and phytonutrients. Their low carb content combined with their high level of unsaturated fats, means macadamias won’t cause a spike in blood sugar levels. Macadamias can also help address inflammation, which is becoming a significant health concern.

Have universal appeal

Macadamia’s flavour profile is described as delicious, luxurious and indulgent. The nut has gained in popularity with its versatility and unique flavour – a rich, buttery taste with a creamy, smooth yet crunchy texture.

A premium ingredient

Macadamias are seen as a premium gourmet treat and elevate the perceived value of brands, products and food items. They are ideal for gift assortments, specialty chocolates and high-end nut mixes.

Range of styles available for a growing list of applications

Macadamias are great for snacking – enjoyed on their own or in mixes; raw, roasted, flavoured and coated. They are also sought after as an ingredient in baked goods, confectionery, chocolate, ice-cream, breakfast cereals, trail mixes and health bars. Macadamias can also be incorporated in a sauce, coating and topping or used as a spread, paste, butter, milk, flour, powder and oil (for food and cosmetic use).

Aligned with consumer trends and lifestyle choices

Macadamias are to be savoured and enjoyed without the guilt, good for body and mind. They are deemed an “unguilty pleasure” for someone looking for “savvy sustenance” where health and nutrition are prioritised with a focus on unprocessed foods, functional snacking, sustained satiety and gut health. Nutritional value is not compromised if roasted and they are an excellent option for Keto, Paleo, non-dairy, gluten-free and plant-based diets.

Versatility in culinary use

Macadamias pair well with and compliment different flavours, ingredients and other nuts. Due to their rich flavour and creamy, crunchy texture, they are ideal for both savoury and sweet applications. They can be used in a variety of dishes and are suitable for all seasons.